The Hillsborough Center site will focus on: (As a precursor to Hillsborough’s 250th Anniversary)
– the native inhabitants here before the town was founded
– and the natural environment first encountered by European settlers in the early 18th century.
-Discover the real meanings of the Abenaki names given to our rivers and mountains
-Learn what the Indians taught the early settlers about surviving in the wilderness
-Watch Abenaki /Penacook basket weaving, and a professional Abenaki Singer/songwriter
-Learn about wild food sources, local plants for food, medicine, dyes,
-Help in wigwam building,
– Learn about the climate in those early days,
-Compete in a cake walk and enjoy a drama performed about our ancestors.
-Join a parade around the Center led by our local antique cyclist celebrity
-Learn about early baseball- join in a demo
All recommended health/safety protocols will be followed, (and most activities = outside)
To join as a volunteer, Call 478-5650 or send an email via our website: (
Support for the Abenaki History presentation was provided by the New Hampshire Humanities.“ Please complete the event survey here.