History Alive! — 2021

Jones Road – reenactments will be increased to include elements and battles of the French and Indian War, the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, and the Civil War, with regiments coming from many states and Canada.- The popular dance tent will return for the lively Saturday evening shindig.


The Hillsborough Center site will focus on: (As a precursor to Hillsborough’s 250th Anniversary)

– the native inhabitants here before the town was founded

– and the natural environment first encountered by European settlers in the early 18th century.


-Discover the real meanings of the Abenaki names given to our rivers and mountains

-Learn what the Indians taught the early settlers about surviving in the wilderness

-Watch Abenaki /Penacook basket weaving, and a professional Abenaki Singer/songwriter

-Learn about wild food sources, local plants for food, medicine, dyes,

-Help in wigwam building,

– Learn about the climate in those early days,

-Compete in a cake walk and enjoy a drama performed about our ancestors.

-Join a parade around the Center led by our local antique cyclist celebrity

-Learn about early baseball- join in a demo


All recommended health/safety protocols will be followed, (and most activities = outside)

To join as a volunteer, Call 478-5650 or send an email via our website: (historyalivenh.org).

Support for the Abenaki History presentation was provided by the New Hampshire Humanities.“  Please complete the event survey here.