250th Celebration — Semiquincentennial
Hear ye!“ Hear ye, one and all!
To Hillsborough businesses, residents, schools, committees and interested parties:
Something Big is Coming Up!
In two years, Hillsborough will observe a big birthday. The year 2022 will be the 250th anniversary of the incorporation of our town in 1772. This definitely calls for a town-wide celebration, and it’s time to start planning.
We’ve had them before, but never like this one will be. This is a major town anniversary – we could call it the Semiquincentennial or the Sestercentennial, but whatever we call it – it marks 250 years.
The town, with help from the Hillsborough Historical Society (HHS), would like to plan a series of events and celebrations, complete with decorations, memorabilia and souvenirs, perhaps a parade and a pageant of our early days. It’s our chance to showcase everything our historic community has to offer. Everything from 1772, when a few bold men swung axes in one of the most northerly N.H. settlements, until today, when we’re nearly 6,000 strong.
To pull this off, we need your help.
Whatever your age or how long you’ve lived here, all your ideas and recollections are welcome. The HHS is already brainstorming. How can your business or club participate? “ Could you write a play about life here in the earliest days of our republic? Could you organize a band or parade? Have you active neighbors? Could they pitch in? Does your child need community service hours for school? “ Have you enjoyed things in other towns that could be included here? The possibilities are endless!
If you can join us in this endeavor, or know someone who may be interested, please contact Christina Chadwick at the Hillsborough Historical Society (603) 464-3637 “ or message [email protected] to let Christina know you’re interested.
The town will be holding a planning meeting (using masks and social distancing)“ to get started.“ We can ALL use something to look forward to these days, so make a list of ideas, and watch for more information.